Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Introduction and Internship Goals

Hello there! My name is Shane Thompson and I am a senior at ASU. I plan on graduating in December 2014, if all goes to plan and  I am working on my BS in Urban and Metropolitan Studies. I was lucky enough to secure an internship with United States Department of Commerce-International Business Trade Administration. I am very excited for this opportunity and look forward to the next two semesters as an intern.

The three goals I hope to achieve throughout the course of my internship are:

1. Learn in detail the in's and outs of IBT and how they promote local business exportation and job growth.

2. Build my professional network with city and state officials.

3. To see if a career within the public sector is ultimately what I want for myself.

I should probably explain that last goal. being a public servant has always been a dream of mine ever since I was a child. Now that I am nearing the end of my education and possibly entering this line of work, I find myself questioning if it is something I truly want. I know, like any job, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am hoping that this internship will give me a well rounded experience in how just one of our government agencies work.